AEP Check List

AEP Check List

Nov 09, 2023

Review Current Coverage: Free Download Here

  • Understand your current plan details, including premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.
  • Assess how well your current plan covered your needs over the past year.

2. Evaluate Health Changes:

  • Note any changes in your health status, diagnoses, or treatment plans.
  • List any new medications prescribed since the last enrollment period.

3. Update Medication List:

  • Compile a current list of all medications, including dosages and frequencies.
  • Check if these medications are covered by your current Part D plan or if there are cheaper alternatives under another plan.

4. Review Plan Notices:

  • Carefully read the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) and Evidence of Coverage (EOC) from your current plan.
  • Look for any changes in the plan's costs, benefits, or rules for the upcoming year.

5. Check Provider Networks:

  • Confirm whether your preferred doctors, specialists, and hospitals are still in-network.
  • If you spend time in different states, ensure your providers in both locations are covered.

6. Compare Other Plan Options:

  • Research other Medicare Advantage (Part C), Prescription Drug (Part D), and Medigap plans available in your area.
  • Use the Medicare Plan Finder or consult with an agent for personalized plan comparisons.

7. Consider Additional Benefits:

  • Identify if you need additional benefits that may not be included in Original Medicare, such as dental, vision, hearing, or wellness programs.
  • Look for plans that offer these benefits if they’re important to you.

8. Understand Costs:

  • Analyze the total costs of plans, not just the premium but also out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.
  • Calculate the cost-effectiveness of switching plans based on your health care needs and financial situation.

9. Review Star Ratings:

  • Check the Medicare star ratings for quality and performance of Medicare Advantage and Part D plans.
  • Consider plans with higher star ratings for better quality of service and care.

10. Deadlines:

  • Be clear on the AEP dates (October 15 to December 7).
  • Mark any relevant deadlines on your calendar and set reminders to make decisions in a timely manner.

11. Seek Assistance:

  • Schedule appointments early with your Medicare agent or advisor to discuss your options.
  • Contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for free, personalized help.

12. Prepare for Enrollment:

  • Have your Medicare card and a list of your current health care providers handy.
  • Collect all necessary information for enrolling in a new plan, such as your Medicare number and personal information.

13. Decision Making:

  • Decide whether to keep your current plan, enroll in a new plan, or return to Original Medicare.

14. Confirm Enrollment:

  • Once you’ve made a plan selection, confirm your enrollment.
  • Ensure you receive confirmation of your new plan enrollment in writing.

15. Disenrollment Precautions:

  • If switching from a Medicare Advantage Plan back to Original Medicare, consider the need for a standalone Part D plan.
  • Look into purchasing a Medigap policy if you’re leaving Medicare Advantage.

By following this checklist, beneficiaries can make informed decisions during the Annual Enrollment Period to ensure they have the coverage that best suits their individual health care needs and budget for the coming year.